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03/02/2009 16:15

More Products added

Hi everyone, thought I'd keep you informed of whats happening on this new website of mine, I have just added another 3 new products 2 of which I didn't have on my old website, they are Fist Mitts & Palm Mitts, I have also added another product called Wetsuits Converted, this is for anyone that...
02/02/2009 21:49

More Updates on my new website

Well what can I say about this fantastic website of mine? It just keeps getting better by the minute, I'm loving everything about my new web host and the things I can do on here, I only started this website 2 days ago and yet I have done so much in such a short time, I have just added 3...
02/02/2009 16:10

Products Update & PhotoGallery

Hi everyone,   just keeping you informed of whats happening to my new website, I have currently up dated the products page with loads of information on all my products, I have also up-loaded 33 pics of all my products some on different angles to give you a better idea of what they look like......
31/01/2009 04:17

Visitors notice

Hi everyone,   just some news about what to expect from my new website, I will have a Guest Book, Products, FeedBack, News, Photogallery & Event Calender and the latest in what new products I'll be bringing out to you, this NEW website will be a work in progress so please...


Rubberknite aka (Ken)

PO Box 2245 Caulfield Junction, Melbourne, Australia, 3161. A.B.N No:20988074501

Home: 61-3-9523-2210
Fax: 61.3.9523.7580

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