Rubberknite will keep you covered!!!

GearBlastUK 2009 is now on!!

28/05/2009 16:09

Hi everyone,

just giving you an update on the latest news, please take a look at the Events Calander for GearBlastUK 2009, the venue has now changed and they have a few more Sponcers besides, for more information check it out and click on the Banner which will take you straight (excuss the pun) to their website, as for myself I was going to attend this fantastic party but due to other commitments I can no longer make it :-( ... but oh well there is still next year!!




Rubberknite aka (Ken)

PO Box 2245 Caulfield Junction, Melbourne, Australia, 3161. A.B.N No:20988074501

Home: 61-3-9523-2210
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